Design of a hybrid command and control mobile botnet
Pieterse and Olivier
Citation information
H Pieterse and M. S. Olivier. “Design of a hybrid command and control mobile botnet”. In: Journal of Information Warfare 12.1 (2013). (Journal version of H. Pieterse and M. S. Olivier. “Design of a Hybrid Command and Control Mobile Botnet”. In: Proceedings of ICIW 2013 — The 8th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security. Ed. by D. Hart. Denver, Colorado, USA: Academic Conferences and Publishing, Mar. 2013, pp. 183–192), pp. 70–82Abstract
The increasing popularity and improvement in capabilities offered by smartphones caught the attention of botnet developers. Now the threat of botnets is moving towards the mobile environment. This study presents the design of a hybrid command and control mobile botnet. The hybrid design explores the efficiency of multiple command and control channels against the following objectives: no single point of failure within the topology, low cost for command dissemination, limited network activities, and low battery consumption. The objectives are measured with a prototype that is deployed on a small collection of Android-based smartphones. The results indicate that current mobile technology exhibits all the capabilities needed to create a mobile botnet.
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BibTeX reference
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title={Design of a hybrid command and control mobile botnet},
journal={Journal of Information Warfare},
volume={12}, number={1},
note={(Journal version of ∖cite{bot-design})} )