On Metadata Context in Database Forensics
Citation information
M. S. Olivier. “On Metadata Context in Database Forensics”. In: Digital Investigation 5.3–4 (2009), pp. 115–123Abstract
Database Forensics is an important topic that has received hardly any research attention. This paper starts from the premise that this lack of research is due to the inherent complexity of databases that is not fully understood in a forensic context yet. The paper considers the relevant differences between file systems and databases and then transfers concepts of File System Forensics to Database Forensics. It is found that databases are inherently multidimensional from a forensic perspective. A notation is introduced to express the meaning of various possible forensic queries within this multidimensional context. It is posited that this notation, with the multidimensional nature of databases as described, forms a map for possible Database Forensics research projects.
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A pre- or postprint of the publication is available at https://mo.co.za/open/dbfor.pdf.Definitive version
The definitive version of the paper is available from the publisher.DOI: 10.1016/j.diin.2008.10.001
BibTeX reference
@article(dbfor,author={Martin S Olivier},
title={On Metadata Context in Database Forensics},
journal={Digital Investigation},
year={2009} )