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Using Yin’s Approach to Case Studies as a Paradigm for Conducting Examinations

Oyelami and Olivier


(Citation)Citation information

O. Oyelami and M. S. Olivier. “Using Yin’s Approach to Case Studies as a Paradigm for Conducting Examinations”. In: Advances in Digital Forensics XI. Ed. by G. Peterson and S. Shenoi. Vol. 462. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Springer, 2015, pp. 45–59


At the heart of any forensic science discipline is the need to ensure that a method applied in the discipline is based on a factual foundation or valid scientific method. In digital forensics, the aim of an examination is to make consistent inferences about events with high certainty. The highest state of inference is a determination of causality. Two scientific methods that can be applied in digital forensic examinations to determine causality are experimentation and case studies. Experimentation has been used in a range of scientific studies, but there are situations where it is not always possible to conduct experiments. In these cases, the only option is to carry out case studies. A case study approach is not widely used in the natural sciences, but it has been accepted as a valid method that can produce insightful results in digital forensic examinations. This chapter focuses on conducting digital evidence examinations using Yin’s approach to case studies as a paradigm. The goal is to show that Yin’s case study approach can be applied suitably and that it is useful in digital forensic settings.

(Authoritative version on publisher's site)Definitive version

The definitive version of the paper is available from the publisher.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-24123-4_3

(BibTeX record)BibTeX reference

author={Oluwasayo Oyelami and Martin S Olivier},
title={Using {Y}in’s Approach to Case Studies as a Paradigm for Conducting Examinations},
booktitle={Advances in Digital Forensics XI},
editor={Gilbert Peterson and Sujeet Shenoi},
series={IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology},
volume={462} )