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Codec-Hopping: Secure and Private Voice Communication in Bandwidth Constrained Networks

Croft, Olivier, and Venter


(Citation)Citation information

N. J. Croft, M. S. Olivier, and H. S. Venter. “Codec-Hopping: Secure and Private Voice Communication in Bandwidth Constrained Networks”. In: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (SecPerU 2005). Ed. by P Georgiadis, S Gritzalis, and G. F. Marias. Diavlos Publications, July 2005, pp. 85–91

(BibTeX record)BibTeX reference

author={Neil J Croft and Martin S Olivier and Hein S Venter},
title={Codec-Hopping: Secure and Private Voice Communication in Bandwidth Constrained Networks},
booktitle={Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (SecPerU 2005)},
editor={P Georgiadis and S Gritzalis and G F Marias},
publisher={Diavlos Publications} )