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Examination of Customized Questioned Digital Documents

Adedayo and Olivier


(Citation)Citation information

O. M. Adedayo and M. S. Olivier. “Examination of Customized Questioned Digital Documents”. In: Journal of Forensic Sciences (2024). Accepted for publication


With the increasing trend of digitization of business processes and personal communication across the globe, digital documents of intrinsic value continue to be created. Whereas the questioned document examination (QDE) field of forensic science deals with the examination of “physical” documents potentially disputed in a court of law, there are no developed approaches for handling questioned digital documents. Although techniques that address related problems such as identifying document types and image forensics exist, concrete approaches for analyzing questioned digital documents still need to be developed. This paper makes the case for the need to develop analysis approaches for a digital counterpart of QDE which we term Questioned Digital Document Examination (QDDE). We posit that there is a benefit in considering digital aspects of some of the disciplines of forensic science where the questions answered by the discipline are clear, we also highlight some of the aspects that can be considered in the domain of question digital document examination.

(BibTeX record)BibTeX reference

author={Oluwasola Mary Adedayo and Martin S. Olivier},
title={Examination of Customized Questioned Digital Documents},
journal={Journal of Forensic Sciences},
note={Accepted for publication} )