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Dynamic Aspects of the InfoPriv Model for Information Privacy

Dreyer and Olivier


(Citation)Citation information

L. C. J. Dreyer and M. S. Olivier. “Dynamic Aspects of the InfoPriv Model for Information Privacy”. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Security of Data Intensive Applications (DEXA 98). Ed. by R Wagner. IEEE, 1998, pp. 340–345


This paper describes the dynamic aspects of the InfoPriv model. The dynamic aspects are concerned with the actual information flow as well as the change of the privacy policy over time. An information can-flow graph represents the potential information flow between entities, thereby describing only the static aspects of InfoPriv. The dynamic aspects are divided into two categories: dynamic information flow and the evolution of the static aspects. “Dynamic information flow” refers to the simulation of the actual information flow as it occurs over time. Information flow is, therefore, permitted or denied based on the past information flow of a system. The ”evolution of the static aspects” refers to the change of the privacy policy over time. For instance, it is necessary to give entities access to more information during their lifetime. An algorithm is presented that extends the can-flow graph without introducing unauthorised information flow.¡/p¿

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DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.1998.707422

(BibTeX record)BibTeX reference

author={Lucas C J Dreyer and Martin S Olivier},
title={Dynamic Aspects of the {I}nfo{P}riv Model for Information Privacy},
editor={R Wagner},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Security of Data Intensive Applications (DEXA 98)},
year={1998} )