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How appropriate is k-anonymity for addressing the conflict between privacy and information utility in microdata anonymisation?

Zielinski and Olivier


(Citation)Citation information

M. P. Zielinski and M. S. Olivier. “How appropriate is k-anonymity for addressing the conflict between privacy and information utility in microdata anonymisation?” In: Proceedings of the ISSA 2009 Conference. Ed. by H. S. Venter, M. Coetzee, and L. Labuschagne. (Published electronically). Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2009

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author={Marek P Zielinski and Martin S Olivier},
title={How appropriate is k-anonymity for addressing the conflict between privacy and information utility in microdata anonymisation?},
editor={Hein S Venter and Marijke Coetzee and Les Labuschagne},
booktitle={Proceedings of the ISSA 2009 Conference},
address={Johannesburg, South Africa},
note={(Published electronically)} )