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Using Organisational Safeguards to Make Justifiable Decisions when Processing Personal Data



(Citation)Citation information

M. S. Olivier. “Using Organisational Safeguards to Make Justifiable Decisions when Processing Personal Data”. In: IT Research in Developing Countries (SAICSIT 2003). Ed. by J. H. P. Eloff, P. Kotzé, A. P. Engelbrecht, and M. M. Eloff. Journal version also published Olivier, “Using Organisational Safeguards to Make Justifiable Decisions when Processing Personal Data”. Sandton, South Africa, Sept. 2003, pp. 275–284

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(BibTeX record)BibTeX reference

author={Martin S Olivier},
title={Using Organisational Safeguards to Make Justifiable Decisions when Processing Personal Data},
booktitle={IT Research in Developing Countries (SAICSIT 2003)},
editor={Jan H P Eloff and Paula Kotz’e and Andries P Engelbrecht and Mariki M Eloff},
address={Sandton, South Africa},
note={Journal version also published cite{privosl2}} )